Secure payment

  1. Payment Service:
    1. We use PayFast as our preferred payment gateway.
  2. Payment Methods:
    1. PayFast accepts various payment methods, including credit/debit cards, Instant EFT, and more.
    2. Payment methods available may vary based on your location and other factors.
  3. Payment Security:
    1. PayFast employs robust security measures to ensure the safety of your payment information.
    2. Your payment details are encrypted and securely processed by PayFast.
  4. Payment Processing:
    1. Payments made through PayFast are processed in real-time, ensuring prompt completion of transactions.
    2. In case of any payment issues or discrepancies, please contact our customer support team.
  5. Payment Confirmation:
    1. Upon successful payment, you will receive a confirmation email from PayFast, detailing the transaction.
    2. If you do not receive a confirmation email or encounter any issues with your payment, please contact us immediately.
  6. Refunds and Disputes:
    1. Refunds for products/services purchased through PayFast are subject to our refund policy.
    2. In the event of a payment dispute or chargeback, we will work with PayFast to resolve the issue promptly and fairly.
  7. Payment Currency:
    1. Payments made through PayFast are processed in South African Rand (ZAR) unless otherwise specified.
  8. Payment Terms:
    1. By proceeding with a payment through PayFast, you agree to abide by PayFast's terms of service as well as our company's terms and conditions.
  9. Payment Support:
    1. For any inquiries or assistance regarding payments made through PayFast, please contact our customer support team.

By using PayFast to make payments, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to abide by these terms and conditions.

For more information or assistance, please contact DC Tools.

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